Wednesday, January 14, 2009

He's Got Dirty Dishes on the Brain

We have dish weeks at the Overhouse.  Each month we draw up the dry-erase calendar, marking down gigs and other days of significance, and assign Sunday Dish Days.  That is, a 4-man dish rotation, with each person responsible for having the kitchen sparkling clean by bedtime Sunday night.  The board looks like this:

As my finger indicates, this past Sunday, the 11th, was Russell's dish day, a light one at that.  Now I'm not doing this to call Russell out or anything like that, well kinda, but mostly because we have created an interesting system, full of interacting entities, quirks, variable and ethics, in an attempt to keep our kitchen clean: One person is responsible for the kitchen per week.  A foolproof and forgiving system!

The fact of the matter is, we absolutely loathe doing dishes.  Not so much that act I suppose, I always enjoy putting on a record and cleaning the kitchen into submission, but rather bringing ourselves to pick up that first dish.  It's tough sometimes.  Maybe its Sunday afternoon, after a good Saturday night, the games on the tube, a non-dish week roomie is napping in the recliner, you're on that magical love seat strategically placed right above the heat vent *niiiice* the last thing you wanna do is get up and wash a few notoriously brutal loads of Overhouse dish.  It doesn't feel natural to do dishes on Sunday.  Sometimes you get them done on Monday, sometimes Tuesday, nobody's perfect.  It's Wednesday night, for instance, and this is how close Russell has come to finishing his dish week:

He even managed to pull off the somewhat rare "dishes-are-in-the-dish-washer-and-ready-to-be-washed-but-are-just-sitting-there-useless-to-the-world":

I will say, to call Russell out is to call us all out.  There are no winners, no superstars in this game.  We eat our Nachos Locos together from the same bowl, at the same time, and we like it.  If the bowl sits on the counter for 6 days before someone washes it, so be it!  At least I know that next time I eat out of that bowl, that beautiful bowl, someone had to scrub the hell out of it to get it clean.

But seriously Russ, you gonna finish those or what?  

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