I understand why Matt uses the Penus Pillow. We've been conditioned to be content using the standard 20" x 26" pillow, so when a pillow presents itself in new and exotic size and form, we're intrigued. This pillow is soft, it's full body huggable, ya know? Though he refused to demonstrate his method for the purpose of this blog, he said he sleeps with the Overballs at his knees, hugging the shaft. I'm sure it took some getting used to, but it seems physically comfortable and lends itself to a goodnights sleep. It's not the first time something risque has appeared on the Overhouse radar. Back in the Jimi Frey era, I came home one evening to find Jimi drilling holes in the ceiling of his room. He had purchased a swing! I had visions of the band in a big white picket swing in the front yard, with guitars and banjos and pots and pans. But Jimi hadn't purchased that type of swing. It was more of an adult swing. It still functioned as a traditional swing, but had certain straps, bars and angles that allowed for grown up activity and passing judgement. Oh Jimi. I'm not sure if he, or anyone else for that matter, ever used it as it was meant to be used, but it was attached to the swing set in backyard for a period of time, gazed upon with curiosity by many churchgoers:

While we're on the subject, there was also an incident with a rubber-breast-replicate-ball-novelty-thing that was filled with goo; "Boob Goo." Think of it as a breast implant for a Smurf. One Saturday morning, after a trip to Malnar's, we starting playing catch with the Boob in the living room. For whatever reason, it turned into a competition to see who could thrown it into the ground hard enough to make it explode! Amazingly, that tough little boob must have lasted 40 or 50 full-blown whips into the hardwood floor, it was wearing us out. Needless to say, the buildup to the explosion was intense, and when the rubber finally broke and the Boob Goo exploded onto the floor, we erupted in laughter, cheer and satisfaction. We done good. I remember the Goo being spread on people's faces like warpaint, flung about the room like kids splashing water in a pool. To this day, a ring of its glory remains gracefully stained on the living room ceiling.
Now I have Jimi's old room and have been thinking about using those three holes in the ceiling, as they are at a spot above an open area in the room. A potted plant perhaps? Maybe a pull-up bar? Wind chimes would be nice in the summer. It is nearing the time to start show preparations, Doug's Rockhouse in Aurora tonight with OD Jo and Clifton Roy and Folkstringer! It promises to be a good night.
It is quarter past five on Friday and the dishes are growing into antiques on the counter.
Remember that movie where they talk about "that duchebag that cries himself to sleep on his cock shaped pillow every night"?
You're that duchebag, matt... you're that duchebag.
That movie has yet to come out, or at least I'm getting super jewed out of royalties.
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