Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Sanitation Update

JOLIET, IL - In Overhouse dish and garbage happenings, Russell completed his dishes early Sunday, doing a thorough job after being given a one week extension by the Overmom.  I have the most undesirable position in the dish rotation, following Russ, but this week he was on top of it.  Well done duder.

As is custom to do the dishes once per week, we take out the garbage, on average, once every four weeks.  And I'm probably being pretty kind with that average.  Last Monday night we delivered a pretty signifiant amount of garbage to the curb, in preparation of the next days pick-up.  I'd guess it was 12-16 bags, 3 cans, and what I'm assuming was an unacceptable and unusual amount of miscellaneous pizza and beer boxes, organized with little to no regard.  Once I realized the special nature of our trash habits, I wondered which method the Waste Management workers, the "Garbage Men," prefer:  weekly, consistent stops, or monthly Trash Mountains.  I thought maybe I'd run out and ask them, but understood that I may be met with some hostility, three years worth of pent up aggression.  I'm sure the Overhouse is water cooler talk, bulletin board material in Waste Management circles and I should tread lightly.  So when I saw the the garbage truck pull up, I grabbed the camera and headed for the front porch.  Almost immediately,  I realized that the garbage man was not picking up the trash, but rather pacing around it as if he were inspecting it at customs.  Jason followed me onto the porch and, unable to contain himself, became very giddy at the situation, and in doing so let the garbage man know we were watching him, and if he looked closely enough, filming him as well.  He emptied the cans and threw one or two bags in and was on his way.  He left most of the trash on the curb.  

We immediately called Waste Management, a $13B company, and said "what the hell, boys," they're a Texas company, "our trash ain't good enough for ya'll?"  They said they reckon we had us too much rubbish and that it'd be 100 buckeroos for them to pick up the rest.  We said no thanks.  Luckily, they ended coming back an hour or two later and picking up the rest of the trash, but the point was made, we have to adjust our ways.

I'm sure every time we build Trash Mountain we're well over what the terms  and conditions of our agreement with Waste Management state, but that they deal with it because most weeks the Overhouse isn't even a stop on their route.  Regardless, we decided to start taking the trash out every week and even though we missed it today, are on top of it!  I think in the summer time we should set up near the street and play them some music and serve them some refreshing beverages as they pick up the trash.  I'm sure they'd appreciate the olive branch.  Actually, thats a great idea:  set up in the front yard for practice from time to time.  It would definitely cause people to slow down and take notice.  I'm sure the churches would love it. If we did it while we had the OverYard Sale we could probably sell some merch as well.  Ha!  And mattress rides for $5.  Yes...I like the sound of this...

...and Malort....Malort for everyone...we'll stop short of inviting James N. Herron, Overlord of Overmanner, but you get the idea.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really love that the sign behind your Oscar-the-Grouch-looking-self says "Who is Jesus and what is he all about?" Hi-larious.